Updating PHP and MySQL to V5
Copy the relevant files into /home/packages
update (install) them, mysql first, in the BQ GUI
To fix phpmyadmin, download the attached file (nuonce-fix-mysql-1.0-1.i386.rpm), copy it to a temporary directory on the server you're updating, su - to root and run:
rpm -ivh nuonce-fix-mysql-1.0-1.i386.rpm
Up the memory and upload file size, and turn Register Globals OFF.
vi /etc/httpd/PHP_NUONCE/php.ini
:%s/memory_limit = 8M/memory_limit = 96M/g
:%s/upload_max_filesize = 2M/upload_max_filesize = 32M/g
:%s/register_globals = On/register_globals = Off/g
Then restart admsvr
/sbin/service admserv restart
Finally, you'll notice that all sites using a database are broken :-)
This is because the update disables MySQL in the Blue Quarts Admin Server. Simply login and re-enable MySQL from Network Services then MySQL.